The Chalice – July 2023

From our Director of Congregational Life

This will be a short article. I am knee-deep in the history of early Christianity at school and we are talking about the first arguments in the early Church on the nature of sin and the Trinity! I definitely hold a dissenting view from the early Church fathers. It is heartening to see that there are others who share my views, except that most of them were burned at the stake! Laugh out Loud, or cry.

I encourage you all to sign up for the Pride weekend, booth, and parade, as it is always a fun get-together, where we can spread the word about Unitarian Universalism. If you are not physically at the meeting house, then call me at 519 859 1640 to discuss.

We will be open the rest of the summer, except the August long weekend having some more informal evensong services. We explore quotations about a subject and discuss our thoughts, if we are willing. On July 16, the people from PFlag and Trans London will be assisting Bill Ratcliffe with the Pride service, and I hope we have a great showing of people out for this. On July 23rd we will have a shortened service and head out to the parade!

On September 10th, the Sunday after labour day we hope to have a celebration of our 70th anniversary and dedication of our gardens.

I hope everyone has a great summer! Please contact me with questions or concerns.


Lori Turner Otte


2023 UU Pride Celebrations

Join the Pride Celebrations Committee (PCC), Reid Howard, Ann Klinck, Dilyn Muzzerall, Bill Ratcliffe, Karen Rhebergen and Lori Turner-Otte in continuing the 2023 UU Pride Celebrations. The June 11` PFLAG bbq and Drag Queen Story Time was a big success.  Pride, Trans and Progressive flags adorn the walls of the Sanctuary.  Plan to share the joy with fellow Unitarian Universalists and the general public, some of who are UU, but do not know yet.  Dare to be Unitarian Universalist!

This year there will be two hybrid Pride Worship Services.  There will be a fulsome Pride Service on Sunday, July 16 with a briefer Service on Sunday, July 23.  The July 16 Pride Worship Service, will be led by Bill Ratcliffe, Service Leader, and Christa Duvall, of PFLAG, Worship Leader.  Bill Ratcliffe, will be the Worship Leader of the briefer July 23 Pride Worship Service featuring a Ted Talk video by transwoman, Paula Jones Williams, chosen by Dilyn Muzzerall.

The traditional UU Pride booth at the Annual 3 Day Outdoor Festival returns to Victoria Park, Friday, July 21 – Sunday, July 23.  Informational materials. children/adult crafts and candy handouts will be some of the features of this year’s UU Pride booth.  Be a part of this major outreach activity for our Unitarian Universalist Congregation.  Experience the joy of connecting with other LGBTQ+ supporters.  Contact Bill Ratcliffe,, tel. 519-471-7500 about volunteering or  sign up for a shift in the booth, on the signup sheet, on Sundays.  Remember, that there is no Worship Service on the long weekend, Sunday, June 30.

March in the  Pride Parade, after the Worship Service, Sunday, July 23.  The Pride Parade will start at the Western Fair District.  Be there before 12:00 pm/  Plan to be a part of this longstanding tradition for our Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Please bring your own drink, a brown bag lunch, as desired, sensible footwear, a hat and umbrella, as necessary.  There will be muffins, cheese and water at the Western Fair parking lot gathering area.  Catch the Pride spirit.  Contact Bill Ratcliffe,, tel. 519-471-7500 about marching or sign up as a Pride Parade marcher, on the signup sheet, on Sundays.

As the PCC is striving to have a record number of marchers for the Pride Parade  and to have two people in the Booth for each morning, afternoon and evening slot, please sign up.  This will save phoning for the PCC team.

In closing, be mindful that joy is in the details.  Remember the words from Anonymous, “When you reduce life to black and white, you never see the rainbows.”  Come out to the Pride events and answer the Call of Love.

Bill Ratcliffe,


Pride Celebrations Committee

Cyber-security tips from the Caring Team

UFL Caring Team members have recently received scam text messages about CRA grocery rebates. We are concerned for our members and friends as it is so easy to get caught up by these scams. Scammers will call as well. The Caring Team would like to remind the congregation members and friends of the following ways to protect themselves and others:

  1. Do not click on links in unexpected text messages or emails even if the source seems legitimate. Scammers can spoof email addresses and phone numbers.  Website links that look legitimate can be included in emails or texts but in fact send you to a hidden false website. If you want to access the correct link listed in a text or email, type key words or the address itself into an internet search bar such as Google to get to the right website.  Call a trusted family member or friends or reach out to members of the Caring Team, before responding or clicking on any links.
  2. Only download Apps from the official Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
  3. Never give out any banking or credit card information in response to a call or email. If a call seems to come from your bank etc. it may be changed so that it looks like the correct number but is actually a different number that belongs to the scammer (spoofing). Call your bank directly by using a phone number, you know to be a valid phone number for your bank. Do not use the phone number given to you by the probable scammer.  
  4.  Ignore requests for payment by gift cards, especially, cryptocurrency or any other method. Gift cards seem to be one of the favourite means of scamming people.
  5.  If you are requested to not tell anyone about a request for money or information, this is exceedingly likely to be a scam. This tactic is a very common one amongst scammers. Remember, call a trusted family member or friend or reach out to members of the Caring Team.
  6. If suddenly or unexpectedly the requester is using a new or different phone number be aware that this could easily be a scam. Phone the old number or check with your trusted family or friend or reach out to a Caring Team member
  7.  Type into a search bar a line from a text or email which is requesting funds or describes an unusual urgent situation or unexpectedly offers an opportunity or is otherwise suspicious. Often other recipients will have discussed it online.
  8.  Avoid online quizzes that might reveal information about you (e.g.what was your public school) to reduce the risk of identity theft.
  9. Remind others who might be vulnerable or going through a vulnerable period. You can help to protect others as well as yourself.

Cybercrimes, including scams, rose significantly during and post COVID. Scammers can come across as very professional, preying on our trust and politeness. They can spoof phone numbers and email addresses, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) making it worse for scamming victims. Already scammers have been able to copy people’s voices so, for example, it actually sounds exactly like a grandson asking for money over the phone. This actually happened to a friend’s mother who luckily phoned her daughter, mother of her grandson, who then contacted her son and found out that he was ‘not in jail’ and ‘not in need of money to get out.’

A good source of current scams can be found at  You can sign up for a free daily email outlining new or trending scams. 

We have provided links to the Government of Canada sites offering information about scams. If you are uncomfortable about going straight to these sites from these links, type in Government of Canada Scams into the search bar to get to these Sites.

Please stay aware and always speak to a trusted relative or friend or reach out to a member of the Caring Team by phone before responding to one of these emails, texts or phone calls.

The UFL Caring Team

Sunday Services

group at pride with unitarian universalist banner

PFLAG Pride Service

Christa Duvall, Worship Leader, will deliver a Reflection on PFLAG's role as a support group for the LGBTQ+ community and tell a Pride story during Time For All Ages. Bill Ratcliffe will be the Service Leader. This Service will be the more fulsome one of the two Pride Worship Services this month. Come and 'answer the call of love'.
16 Jul
10:45 am - 11:45 pm
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1
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