Sunday Services at UFL

September's Theme: Faith

As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm both the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth  and  a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

Our community includes people with various belief systems and this diversity is part of what makes us who we are. Our Sunday Services offer a variety of topics and perspectives with opportunities for discussion and fellowship.

The Zoom link opens at 10:30. Come early an introduce yourself! Folks are invited to stay for virtual coffee hour after the service.

Current Covid Proceedures

Please help us protect our vulnerable members and friends.

  • Please self monitor with symptom list at front door.
  • It is expected that everyone attending is fully vaccinated and boosted, unless medically
    unable. (Honour system in effect.)
  • Masking is now optional, except for when singing. Disposable masks are still available at the front door for those who choose to wear a mask.
  • When weather allows, the side doors of the sanctuary will be open during the service.

Updated Apr. 2, 2023

We Meet On Sunday

Our Service starts at 10:45am every week, throughout the year. Services last about an hour.

Join Us In Person

Meet us at our physical location at 557 Clarke Road in London Ontario.

Or Join Via Zoom

Meeting ID: 856‍ 6457‍ 9696
Passcode: ‍752712

Be a part of our service


Bring the whole family

On most Sundays children accompany their parents or guardians to the main Sunday Service at 10:45 am for the first ten to 15 minutes and then participate in the Children’s Religious Exploration Program.


Light a candle

At every service there is a time for the sharing of joys and concerns. Each joy or concern is accompanied by the lighting of a candle.


Meditate and Reflect

We offer a chance to take a breath and focus. Our services feature silent meditation and prayer


Sing with us

Each week our congregation sing hymns and songs from "Singing the Living Tradition" and "Singing the Journey" led by our wonderful pianist, Melanie Cancade.


Learn & Discuss

Each week you’ll hear words of wisdom and insights members of our worship team, guest ministers and people who are making a difference in the local community. There is time in the service for collective discussion about what we've learned.


Connect With Our Community

You are invited to stay for refreshments and conversation after the service. Those who are attending via zoom are welcome to stay on the call to connect with the congregation there. 

This Month's Sunday Services

September 2024
old maps

Early History of Unitarian Universalism

Worship Leader: Alison Konrad

I’ll share details of some of the early history of Unitarian Universalism. The content will be familiar to some, but everyone might not remember key details. The purpose of this talk is to set up the foundation for “Building Your Own Theology,” a workshop series which Lori and Alison will offer this Fall on the first Sunday of each month for adult members, starting October 6, after the potluck lunch.

01 Sep
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

Faith in a UU context

Note that this Sunday there will be a Potluck Lunch after the Service!!! Faith in a UU context is, what or whom, you put your trust in. Faith in building a vibrant, evolving, welcoming, authentic, progressive and beloved UU faith community of love is what matters. It is the main purpose for our Congregation to exist.


  1. Why does a Unitarian Universalist faith community matter to you?
  2. How can our Congregation strengthen this community?
  3. How can our Congregation be more welcoming to guests who are Unitarian Universalist but do not know it yet?
08 Sep
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

See all the People

Guest Minister: Rev. Linda Thomson

The Unitarian Fellowship of London is a unique community, a local expression of Unitarian Universalism. You know and love this community. But, what, at is most essential is it, or any other congregation? 

15 Sep
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

Beloved Community

Service leader: Lori Otte. 

Beloved Community. What is it and how can we use its strength to work towards social justice. Relying heavily on the work of Martin Luther King.

22 Sep
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1
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