Who are we?

We are a self-directed group and we support our congregation through our own efforts. We encourage members to enrich at the UFL by becoming involved.
We gather for Sunday Services. We enjoy fellowship through lively conversation. We act on our UU principles. We share stories of summer at our annual Fall In Gathering Service. We dance the night away. We nurture our children and tend our garden.
You are welcome at the UFL however old or young you are, wherever you were born and grew up, whomever your ancestors were, and in whatever religious tradition you were raised. You are welcome whatever your gender and whomever you love. You are welcome with whatever abilities and limitations you have. We invite you to bring your whole self and join us in our mission to Challenge the Mind, Nourish the Spirit, and Act in the World.
We were designated a Welcoming Congregation in 2001 and renewed our status in 2021. This means we have worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people are full members of our faith community. Being welcoming means striving for radical inclusion, and creating spaces that honour every part of our identities, backgrounds and experiences.
Our Covenant of Right Relations
In the Spirit of our Unitarian Universalist Principles we:
Value a free exchange of ideas
Honour the responsible expression of all voices
Listen respectfully with open minds
Respect diversity of belief and opinion
And seek to resolve conflict directly and harmoniously
Covenant is Latin for “come together” and means “a solemn agreement” or “promise from the heart” regarding a course of action between parties. Our covenant is a living, dynamic document expressing how we relate to one another in our congregation.
Do you value all that a spiritual community can offer but need the freedom to think for yourself? Do you believe that questions can be as important as answers? If you are looking for a faith that challenges your mind, a community that nourishes your spirit, and you believe that our actions are as important as our beliefs, then you may find your religious home at the UFL.
Several times a year, we offer orientation sessions to acquaint newcomers with Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. We encourage thoughtful discernment through our membership process. New members are welcomed with a simple membership celebration during a Sunday Service. We ask that members affirm the UU principles and agree to our congregational covenant. Members are expected to contribute to the financial health and work of our congregation.
If you’re interested in learning more about membership, please contact Lori Turner-Otte
Part of our heritage as Unitarian Universalists is self-governance. Each congregation maintains the power to to set its own priorities, draft and fund a budget, and establish a democratic model of governance.
Our Board of trustees is the governing body of our organization. The Board sets policy, recommends by-law changes and oversees our finances. Our president chairs the board, and each board member has responsibility for different facets of the well-being and operation of the Unitarian Fellowship of London. Members are welcome to attend board meetings as observers.
The planning and coordination of events and programs is in the hands of various individuals, committees, teams, and task forces made up of our members. Members are encouraged to attend our Annual Congregational Meetings to elect our Board members and to make decisions on important issues such as our budget and bylaws.
In the 1950’s, Christian teachings were a common part of the public school day in Ontario. As one founding member explained, “It all started on a Monday morning” when an elementary school teacher asked one
of their children’s classes how many of the students had attended Sunday School. A group of five families decided to find a way to provide an alternative, humanistic equivalent of a religious education for their children.
In 1953 the first five families started meeting in members’ homes. In these early days, there was resistance to anything that suggested mainstream religion, such as the use of words like “church”, “congregation”, and “pulpit”.
Within a year, the group was big enough to rent space in the community. In 1961 the Unitarian Fellowship of London built its first building on Victoria Street. In 1982 the fellowship hired its first minister. Over time our staff has included chaplains, an office manager and a staff member to support our Programs.
In 1997 the group moved to our current location at 557 Clarke Road. While we honour our humanist roots and a significant number of our members identify as humanist, over time our group has become more diverse and includes people with a variety of belief systems. Together we embrace the Unitarian Universalist principles and work together to create a unique, liberal religious community in the London Area.