Our Faith In Action

Social Justice at UFL

As Unitarian Universalists we are dedicated to living our faith and are active in social justice. Our Social Action Committee meets regularly throughout the year.

Important Issues

Racial Justice

Truth, Healing and Reconciliation

Economic Justice

Environmental Justice

Reproductive Rights

LGBTQ+ Rights

Social Justice Sundays

We plan and conduct a number of social justice Sunday Services during the church year. This often involves a guest speaker from an organization in our community.

Sharing the Harvest

We share produce from our vegetable garden with local organizations. Members also make donations in exchange for vegetables with proceeds going to the London Food Bank.

Encouraging the next Generation

In our children's program, we do projects or activities that support the larger community.

Taking Action Locally and Globally

We participate in local social action initiatives, supporting justice at home and abroad.

Pride London

We Organize UFL participation in London’s annual Pride Festival and parade.

Growing and Learning

We participate in the Canadian Unitarian Council's Initiatives and Programming.

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”

Khalil Gibran

Community Resources

If you’re struggling with mental or physical health, please see these resources in London for help: Resources List