“This congregation exists for a reason.”
“Challenge the mind, nourish the spirit, act in the world.”
The first statement (a quote from Rev. Peter Boullata) is the theme chosen for the 2023 Stewardship Campaign. The second one is our mission statement. Can you see a relationship between the two statements? Our three-part mission statement, our values, principles, and our congregational covenant provide an overarching reason for existence. Perhaps there are additional reasons why this beloved community exists, reasons that are personal to each of us.
During the month of February, members and friends have the opportunity to reflect on why we need the fellowship to exist, and how we ensure the next generation of London UFLers will be able to say to each other, “yes, this faith community, this congregation, exists for a reason.”
This year will mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of our fellowship—the „founding families‟ met in the home of Elvins and Hannah Spencer at what became known later as the „organizational meeting‟ on September 27, 1953. The founders were : Hannah and Elvins Spencer, W. E. Stubbs, M. Testart, and Henry and Klara Schoenfeld. The first worship service, held on October 18, included a 15 minute presentation on “What Do Unitarians Worship?”. By November 1, 1953, the American Unitarian Association had extended official recognition to the Unitarian Fellowship of London and District (as we were then known).
Our founders believed that there was a reason for establishing a liberal religious community in the London area. Here we are, 70 years later, filled with gratitude for the vision and dedication of the founders and the early members who joined in the 50‟s. We are all standing on their shoulders.
The 2023 Stewardship Campaign Committee consists of : Christine Kelsey, Ann Klinck, Linda Lincoln, Kat Proctor, and Judith Warren. The campaign will kick off on February 5, and you should see a pledge package arrive in the mail in the week of February 6.