Website Help

Sometimes we all need a little help...

The purpose of this page is to help UFL members (editors and authors) learn how to make changes to the website with as little friction as possible.

The hope is that this will be a place to store all sorts of documentation including presentations (documents, pdfs, powerpoint documents, recordings of given presentations) as well as some training videos.

Feel free to add to this page if you have notes


These are training presentations for UFL members to help get them up to speed on how to use the site

UFL Web Project

Presentation given before the site was launched on creating a refreshed web presence for the Unitarian Fellowship of London

Updating the UFL Website

Powerpoint slides that give a general idea about how to use the site, including how to add and edit events, posts and pages

Accessibility For The Web

Web Accessibility powerpoint

This presentation goes over some things to think about in order to help everyone, even those  who have challenges, access website content

Resources Google Drive

Here is the drive where the most up to date versions of the presentations are stored. Note, these are live versions, so I might be working on them!

If there is something you don’t understand, you can leave a comment here explaining the issue. I should see it, and although it may take me a while to respond, I should be able to help. These comments are also good for other people who are editing the site later on and have the same issue you do!

Useful Links

Here are some useful resources from around the web. They include videos, pdfs, web tools and articles.


A lot of the training presentations contain youtube videos. I’m including them here so that they can be accessed easily individually.

Monthly Update Series

Sample Documents

Here are some document samples that can be used as a guide for things like compiling information for the chalice


I still need help!

If you’re still having trouble, you can create a ticket on this site, and I’ll get back to you within 5 days