The Chalice – January 2025

From your director of congregational life

Another holiday season over. I hope that we added to you joy with the Friday Frolic and the carolling and cookies on the 22nd. Thank you Imran and Jen and the children of RE. We had some great sharing after the holiday service of ways to avoid some of the craziness of the season. We talked about what common themes we see across the winter holidays…..bringing light into the darkness of winter, gatherings with friends, gratitude and generosity being a few. I sincerely hope that you all had some joy in these rituals. We know that some of you had profound sorrows this year and the holidays can really accentuate times of sadness.

This month the theme is vision and my service this month will focus on vision boards for the New Year. What are the benefits? How do we make one for ourselves? What is important to include? 

I have one more course (biblical Greek yuck) and I will have completed my course requirements for my Masters in  Divinity by May and will graduate at Spring Convocation. It has been a real challenge with personal issues throughout, but I can’t say enough good things about Northeastern Seminary. They have been unbelievably inclusive and kind with their first Unitarian Universalist seminarian. 

Thanks to Reverend Wooden for his inspiring sermon writing workshop. We had 12 in attendance. This next year we have some amazing sermons lined up both from outside and inside the fellowship.

The worship committee will be revamping the greeter protocols so if you would like to join up please stand by for a sign up sheet coming soon.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns at 519 859 1640 or

Happy New Year!

Let's talk about widening the circle of care for our property

UFLers have asked the question “What can I do to help?” Here are some suggestions, if you are able:

  • Offer to help with refreshments on Sunday mornings. There is a sign-up list in the main hall just outside the kitchen.
  • Clean up when you notice a spill. If there’s a need to mop up, or sweep up- please do it yourself, or ask for help. Brooms and mops are in the janitor cupboard at the back of the main hall. We pay cleaners to come in a few times every month, but we need to tidy up after ourselves as we go.
  • Scrape plates off into the garbage before they go into the kitchen.
  • Obey the recycling and garbage rules. We use clear bags for recycling- one for cardboard and paper, one for containers (e.g. cans, paper cups, juice boxes). If we mix streams into one bag- the city won’t collect it! Everything else is garbage (in opaque bags). Consolidate to save bags, if possible.
  • During January and February, take garbage and recycling out to the curb on Sundays after the service, if there’s enough to warrant it. Otherwise, a garbage bag goes out back into a metal bin with a lid (inside the trash shed). Recycling stays inside the building until there’s enough to go out on garbage day.
  • Shovel snow from the entrance way. There are shovels at the front entrance and in the coat room. Also, de-icer to sprinkle on ice as needed. Big thanks to those who come to service early in order to perform this task!

When in doubt- ask Bob Harrington, Bill Ratcliffe, Imran, Jen Sadler, Raghul, and/or Bev Ball (

Volunteer for the Caring Team!

The Caring  Team is in need of several new volunteers to replace the three team members who are in their fourth year of service.  Christine Kelsey is leaving the team at the end of January; Kat Proctor is leaving the team at the end of February; and Linda Lincoln is leaving the team at the end of March.   Alice Wehlau is scheduled to leave the team after the ACM in June 2025.  Only UFL members can serve on the Caring Team, for the usual term of three years, but friends of the UFL can do volunteer drives.  Please speak to a member of the team during coffee time on a Sunday if you are interested in learning more about the services we offer to our community.

Sunday Services

January 2025

Vision: Peering into the Mist

Worship Leader: Alison Konrad

This first Sunday in January will introduce the month’s worship theme, which is Vision. As of December 25, 2021, humankind got a sharper vision into the cosmos with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope. What can we learn from this new level of vision about the universe and about ourselves?

05 Jan
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

Trauma – The Vision Killer

Worship Leader: Suzanah Sarafin

It is common among people that experienced long term trauma to become locked into the present and past making it hard to see beyond right now. How can we change this? Can it even be changed? Where do you start? I know it can and where I started.

12 Jan
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

Vision Boards

Worship Leader: Lori Turner-Otte

Why make one? Studies on benefits.  How to construct one. Interactive Service. You won't make a board but will be planning and jotting down ideas. Paper and pen provided. Zoom participants please ensure you have writing materials.

19 Jan
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

Prophets of Love: Active Engagement in a Time of Polycrisis

Worship Leader: Marlene Koehler

We finish this month's worship theme of Vision with a pre-recorded reflection by UU Ministerial Candidate Reilly Yeo, M.Div. (U of T). In exploring its spiritual dimensions, Reilly suggests that the climate crisis calls us not just to change our world, but to transform it. In doing so, we will need to transform ourselves. Reilly is the co-founder of My Climate Plan and former Director of Communications and Public Engagement at the David Suzuki Foundation. This service is part of the "Meaning Making" series, Roots of Resilience, which we share with 14 other Canadian UU congregations.

26 Jan
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1
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Upcoming Events

women's lunch table

Soup Siblings’ Luncheon

Join us on the second Monday of the month at Edgar and Joe’s at the Goodwill downtown at 255 Horton St. Don't worry about arriving late; just come in and join our table.(Note: Goodwill offers senior discounts in their store this day.)

13 Jan
12:00 pm
Edgar and Joe’s at the Goodwill Downtown
255 Horton St

Movie Night: Akeelah and the Bee

Please join us for UFL Movie Night. This month’s movie will be Akeelah and the Bee. A heartwarming story of a young girl from South Los Angeles who overcomes challenges to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Pizza, popcorn and drinks will be provided. It should be a fun time so please come out […]
18 Jan
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1
Indian food on a table

Men’s Lunch group

A warm welcome is extended to men within our Congregation who would like to join other Unitarian Universalist men for food and conversation on Monday, January 20 at 1:00 pm., at the Family Circle Restaurant, at 147 Wellington St. London. The UU Men’s Lunch Group meets monthly for lunch, on the third Monday. The normal […]
20 Jan
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1

UFL Book Club

The UFL Book Club has been around for 38 or 39 years, just slightly more than half of the UFL’s existence. The UFL Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month from 2-4 pm. Our January meeting will be on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 2-4 pm, via Zoom. The January book for reading […]
21 Jan
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Road,London, ON N5V 2E1
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